you’ve entered my life with the ease of a dancer
gliding your way across this set
a breeze creates soft rustle of night leaves
through my heart a song whispers your name
your movements leaps lunges dance of the lover
rhythmic chant of body and earth
a tribute to two moving together
making their own breezes through the air
lie quiet, love you have brought me your gift
i will hum my song
through my dreams beside you i know your own heart
speaking softly its night dance with my own
you go to your weekly life calls us all
what remains with me is a kind of silence
a kind silence resounding in joy
it’s as deep as the sea
as wise as canyons
as old as mountains standing silent majestic knowing
i surrender myself to the knowledge of mountains
(they have survived so much more than i)
and look up to see against the brilliant sunrise
a lone dancer paying tribute to this world
• • • •
Published in Between Sheets, #9,
California State University Stanislaus, 1978
Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash